category: Comparative Genomics
fastq-interleave - Read 2 fastq files, and write them interleaved - Aligning bisulfite-converted DNA reads to a genome - Aligning bisulfite-converted DNA reads to a genome
last-dotplot - Create a dotplot from a last alignment
last-map-probs - Calculate a mismap probability for each alignment.
last-merge-batches - Read files of lastal output, merge corresponding batches, and write them
last-pair-probs - Read alignments of paired DNA reads to a genome
last-postmask -
last-split -
last-train - last-Try to find suitable score parameters for aligning the given sequences.
lastal - finds local alignments between query sequences, and reference sequences that have been prepared using lastdb
lastdb - Prepare sequences for subsequent alignment with lastal
maf-convert - Read MAF-format alignments & write them in another format
maf-join -
maf-sort -
maf-swap - Change the order of sequences in MAF-format alignments
magicblast - search for reads which match a custom sequence database - This script demonstrates using LAST and maf-join to construct multiple alignment of the human, mouse, chicken, and fugu mitochondrial genomes.
parallel-fastq -